Upgrading Your Mindset: How to Fine-Tune Your Mental Game.

Upgrading Your Mindset: How to Fine-Tune Your Mental Game.

Posted by Peter White on

In music, your mental state doesn't merely sit in the background—it lies at the center of your career. Mastering your instrument is a notable milestone, but a robust, forward-thinking mindset is the subtle essence that truly propels your music forward. Let's discuss.


Scarcity vs. growth (abundance) Mindset

These are two mindsets which predominate our culture right now. I'll lay them out for you.

  1. Scarcity Mindset:

    • Definition: The scarcity mindset is anchored in the belief that success, resources, and opportunities are finite. There is never enough success to go around. You have to "eat someone else's lunch." 
    • Implications: Having this mindset can make it seem as if every accolade another artist receives diminishes your pool of potential achievements. It becomes a zero-sum game—someone else's gain feels like your loss. You can't be happy for people in your field. Your friends become your competitors...
    • Manifestations: This viewpoint breeds constant feelings of jealousy, and comparison. It leads to excessive competition, and a sense of urgency, often causing undue stress and anxiety. It can also lead to seeing other artists as threats, undermining collaborative potentials. Also, take it from me: the people I see living this way are invariably shittier human beings. We don't want a world driven by this mode of thinking. And the beauty of it is, it's not even worthwhile from the standpoint of productivity and happiness (more on this later).
    • Energetic Drain: Continually monitoring and measuring yourself against "competitors" becomes mentally exhausting. This preoccupation saps the cognitive and emotional energy that could be better channeled into creative endeavors and progress towards career milestones.

So there's the gist of it. Let's switch gears to a mindset that I much prefer! 


  1. Growth Mindset:

    • Definition: The growth mindset flourishes on the belief that there's a vast reservoir of success, opportunities, and resources available. People seen as "competitors" by the scarcity mindset are seen as "collaborators" and potential teachers in the abundant mind. 🤝
    • Implications: From this vantage point, another artist's success is a beacon of collective growth, not a shadow over your potential. You can grow inspired by the music other people create.
    • Manifestations: Such a perspective encourages gratitude, mutual celebration of successes, and an intrinsic motivation to collaborate. Recognizing the vastness of the music world, you're inclined to share resources, knowledge, and platforms. What's more, it encourages you to maintain a positive mindset which will in turn benefit you when you go to write music. 

Remember, negativity zaps our energy and our creativity. The more time you spend in this abundant state, the more energy you will have to fulfill your goals!

No Rivals, Only Future Writing Partners (Collaborators)

When you embrace the growth (abundance) mindset, the entire musical landscape transforms before you. Fellow musicians evolve from perceived threats to invaluable co-creators, each bringing unique strengths and insights. 

At risk of sounding corny, I will honestly tell you: these "competitors" will become your friends. When you approach people with genuine kindness, they can feel that energy. Your kindness towards others really disarms people, and in turn makes them a better version of themself. They feel they can be vulnerable with you and can trust you. I find that when you live in this mindset, the pretenses are dropped and its easier to relate to others. As a result, collaborations become avenues for innovation and exploration, rather than contests for supremacy.


Beware: the Pull of Negative and Self-limiting Thoughts

Persistent self-doubt, often a byproduct of the scarcity mindset, can be a silent saboteur. Entertaining thoughts such as "I'm not skilled enough" or "I can't reach their level" can stifle your confidence and obstruct authentic expression. Music thrives on sincerity and vulnerability; letting such barriers persist can dilute its essence.


Recognizing and moving beyond the limitations of a scarcity mindset, while actively nurturing an abundance perspective, paves the way for a richer, more harmonious, and fruitful musical journey. The energy you save from comparison will become redirected, amplifying the resonance of your own unique voice.

Give it a shot this week. Try to put yourself in that head space and see what it does for you. I have a feeling it will make a remarkable difference. 😊


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